Well, we've been inudated with your email from all over the world since G&C MAgazine went to press. I think we saw the letter s WTF a thousand times. We also got hundreds of photos from young lovlies you wanted to be our next corpse cover girl. So keep those comments and photos coming!
Here's what you are saying about G&C Magazine:
And the winner is! (From Christ The Light Cathedral]:
"You are completely sick. I hope you and your corpse rot in hell."
A parent with a daughter who will never read crap like yours.
[Dear parent with a daughter who will never read crap like yours - Why are you reading crap like ours... and with your daughter... and in church for Christs sake! And you think 're sick?! Say eight Thousand hail Mary's and please pray for my soul...and yours. Love Satan]

"OK dude, Let's get one thing straight, I dont know if this is a joke or you really are twisted... But one thing is CERTAIN you are my new hero! I laughed my ass looking through your site man, maybe not your aim but hey, genius' are always misundertood in their own time right? on your site there's like a.. front page of one of your mags. I loved the headlines of the articles "how to keep her hot long after she's gone cold" man, best mix of pun and satire (and porn I guess) EVER! "
[Thanks duuude]

"Finally! a fetish i can dig my teeth into. i've been bored with feet, smoking, bukkake, voyeurism, light s&m, amputees, hard s&m and violence for a while now but i think that i can really get into girls and corpses."
[that's what G&C is all about -- the new festish frontier]

"The World has gone insane!"
[Do you just figure that out?]

"Just wanted to say that I really enjoyed your website! Who ever would've thought that hot chicks and corpses would be such a great combination?!?"
[Apparently... we did]

"Hey mates love the site how brilliantly fucked up keep up the good work what lush babes and cool corpse."

"I have to say something.... that is one site I have never seen in my life. I got a great kick out of it. You are using your freedom of speech to a good use!!! Keep it up my friends!!!!!"

"Hey i was just wondering, where do the corpses come from? its a pretty cool(weird but cool) website and pics andshit, but i was just wondering where they came from."
[We shop in graveyards like others do supermarkets]

"Is this being published? I desperately want to order a subscription. You are disgusting, peace."
[We hope to be on the newstand in the future]

"this is one of the funniest sites i've ever seen."
[We aim to sleaze]

"I love your website, that's just about the best website ever. I only wish I had thought of it first. "
[Just about the weirdest? What sites do you go on?]

"I have now found a new new reason to live, u fuks are geniuses. Do u have any links to rabbi's sucking the blood from circumcisions?
[What do you think we are -- sick or something?]

"My brain stopped working altogether after I saw the magazine cover."

"Well, I know where I'm donating my body to after I die."
[Thanks but you'll have to audition with the other corpses]

I think there should be a pictorial of a couple girls (the blonde twins) and the corpse floating on those donut inflatables going down a slow stream. The corpse in between the two twins of course.Wouldn't that be a good one? You can even give the corpse a beach hat (straw hat) and a tropical drink with an umbrella for it's hand. The twins will be wearing pink bikinis.
[Sick minds think alike. Check out our latest spread with Melissa Carnett]

" I have to say something.... that is one site I have never seen in my life. I got a great kick out of it. You are using your freedom of speech to a good use!!! Keep it up my friends!!!!!"
[Just promise to blow out the match when the light the stake]

"How do you get a subscription?......it's fucking badass."
[Right now it's all for free -- just log on and enjoy!]
