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Corpse Reporter WALTER CROTCHTIGHT gets
Photos by Lon Casler Bixby
Walter: Welcome Belladonna, I am you biggest deadest fan. I have seen every movie of yours and, as you can see, I'm stiff as a board. So, time to get this interview started. What did you have for breakfast?
BD: Um... Oatmeal and peanut butter
Walter:: Hm. Sounds more like a mask. Have you ever had sex with a corpse?
BD: No, but I'm sure it would be more exciting than some of the guys I've slept with!
Walter: I'm sure they'll be thrilled to hear that. What is the oldest man you're ever done it with?
BD: I think my dad is in his 40's?
Walter: [Gulp]. Daddy, huh? Who would have guessed. Have you ever brought a corpse to a deathgasm?
BD:You mean you didn't fake it?!
Walter: Ouch. Has anyone, besides me, ever died after having sex with you? If not, are you disappointed?
BD: No, but all of my fans tell me they would, and that makes me smile!

Walter: What's your favorite desert?
BD: I would have to say, a shot in the mouth with a hot load!
Walter: Sweet. How many men have you had sex with in one day?
BD: I did a 12 man gangbang once, and then went home and has sex with my boyfriend, so 13?
Walter: But who's counting, right? Talk about slobby seconds, sheeh. So, speaking of gang bangs, what's your favorite position? Politically.
BD: Not Republican!
Walter: Seriously, what's your favorite sexual position?
BD: Whatever positions can get it in me deepest!
Walter: Deep. Where were you born? What did your parents do?
BD: I was born in Biloxi Mississippi, and my parents were in the military, so we moved around quite a bit. I ended up in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Walter: Salt Lake City, how refreshing. If you weren't a top porn star what would you be doing today? Politics? Nursing? Librarian?
BD: I would be a lower end porn star? I can't see myself doing anything other than porn!
Walter: What's a lower end porn star, like a fluffer?
BD: There are no fluffers in porn movies, except for in world record breaking gang-bangs.
Walter: What is your typical day like when you're not working? Do you have hobbies, like cooking, or knitting, or licking stamps?
BD: I like to play video games, watch horror movies, and watch myself in my scenes.
Walter: Hm, just like most guys. Do you enjoy having sex on screen? Do you always orgasm?
BD: I love having on-screen sex and no I don't always orgasm, but I never fake an orgasm.
Walter: Describe your most embarrassing sex scene moment.
BD: It was when I first started out in the business, and no one told me how to properly use and enema. So I had an accident while getting it in the butt!
Walter: Please don't elaborate. So, how does on screen sex differ from off screen sex?
BD: On-screen sex is more to get the viewer off, so we position ourselves for the best view for the fan, and off-screen sex, is just wild and crazy because you don't have to worry who is watching!
Walter: I'm watching! Next question: Boxers or briefs?
BD: Boxer-briefs.
Walter: Gay or straight?
BD: Both!
Walter: Do you ever bang the crew? And if you don't, can you imagine how incredibly horny they must be after twelve hours of watching you have every orifice rammed?
BD: I only bang the crew if its going to be in the movie! My crew is a pretty horny crew too!
Walter: Where do you shop for underwear?
BD: Lots of places, small shops on Melrose Ave, Online, and Target are some places.
Walter: I could just see you in an ad for Target... bent over with a red bullseye on your ass. By the way, speaking of shopping, what flavor are your edible panties?
BD: Candy!

Walter: What is your annual budget for douche?
BD: I use enemas more, and we probably go through about 300 a year.
Walter: What a plug for Summers Eve. Speaking of enemas, I watched your in depth interview with Diane Sawyer on ABC a couple years ago. Were those real tears you shed, or a just really good acting?
BD: Those were real tears, but I was having a bad day!
Walter: Uh-huh. Would you rather have a good Dick or a good Bush -- Presidentially speaking?
BD: I'd rather see a pussy in office!
Walter: Can you list for us all the types of sex you have on screen by their abbrevation?
BD: GG BG GGA BGA BBG GGB DP DPV DPA I FF S, (you figure out what they mean).
Walter: What's the most outrageous thing you've ever done on camera?
BD: You'll have to sign up for my website to see. We couldn't put it on the DVD.
Walter: I'm sure your web traffic just shot up. What's the wildest thing you've ever done off camera?
BD: I don't think your readers would want to know!
Walter: I don't think you'd want to know what goes through our readers imaginations. This is a magazine about corpses, after all!
BD: What is the one thing you won't do on camera? Animals.
Walter: What if we paid you a gillion dollars?
BD: When do we shoot?
Walter: If someone farts during an orgy do they pass the blame?
BD: We fart all the time on camera, it's horny.
Walter: Hm... sounds like your next video could be in Farto-vision. How old were you when you had you first sexual experience?
BD: 14 in the back of a bronco.
Walter: Was it a white Ford Bronco? Just checking. When you were a little girl did you dream of being a porn star or a ballerina? If not porn, what did you dream of being?
BD: No, I hated porn until I was 18.
Walter: Who's your favorite ball player?
BD: Me! I love playing with guys balls!
Walter: I guess I left myself wide open for that one, so to speak. What did you think of Boogie Nights?
BD: I loved it! Paul Thomas Anderson is an excellent story teller.
Walter: What can you tell us about the porn business that no one would believe?
BD: Some of the guys use injections into their penis to stay hard.
Walter: Us corpses, fortunately, don't have that problem. We're always hard.What would you advise a girl who wants to get into porn. And what would you advise a guy?
BD: For a girl, I would say, talk to me first! For a guy, I would say, get a girlfriend who wants to perform with you! Its your best chance!
Walter: Have you ever had sex with one of your fans? And if so, please tell us about it.
BD: I've had sex with many fans, some on camera, some off. I only have sex with fans on-camera now.
Walter: Did I mention what a huge fan I am? What's your idea of the perfect date?
BD: Being alone with the person of my dreams!
Walter: What's your idea of the perfect dinner party?
BD:Having my lover cook for me at home!
Walter: What's your idea of the perfect gang-bang?
BD: 5 guys max! All hard, all full of cum!
Walter: What's you favorite vibrator? Do you have a name for it?
BD: I don't really like vibrators, I prefer the real thing!
Walter: I was hoping you would name it "Walter." Describe your perfect orgasm.
BD: Being eaten out by someone who really knows how to please a woman!
Walter: I'm sorry, is that my hand up? Just rigor mortis. Some of your porn goes to the extreme, almost violent side. How did you get into this XXX-treme area of porn? By choice? Or, were you held captive by the bondage cartel?
BD: I enjoy this type of porn. I'm not into the fancy pretty girl porn. I like it rough and someone to take control of me and use me for their pleasure, but I also like to turn the tables and use them for my pleasure! Just depends on the scene.
Walter: Sometimes you look in pain in your videos. Real of faked?
BD: I never fake anything emotions in my videos, if I'm crying, I'm really crying, if I look like Im in ecstacy, I really am. On the other hand, I never do anything that I don't want to do. So if I'm really crying, I WANT to be crying.

Walter: Do you socialize with other porn stars?
BD: Nope. I only have a select handful of friends, and none of them are porn stars.
Walter: What's the last great movie you saw?
BD: Skeleton Key
Walter: What's the last great porn movie you saw?
BD: Skeletons Pee
Walter: Funny, that's mine too. What do you think of Girls and Corpses Magazine?
BD: It's a great idea and I can't wait for it to take the world by storm!
Walter: What sex tips can you give our readers for having sex with a corpse?
BD: Go slow, be very gentle, and don't think about the worms!
Walter: The worms are half the fun! Is there anything you've never been asked about your life, Belladonna, or something you would like to elaborate on?
BD: I'm pretty much an open book, and have been asked almost everything. I can't think of anything right now.
Walter: You have been very open and forthright for our interview. One last question: How did you get the name Belladonna?
BD: An agent gave it to me, I wanted to be called Sasha, but he said no, I said Bella, and he said Belladonna. I said OK.
Walter: Thanks again Belladonna for your time and insight. Now... bend over and come to daddy!
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