G&C: And what about the songs that went into your album? What went into putting them together?
Gator: Hmm. Well, it's a mix of old and new.
Robert: Yeah, we wanted to give, here I go again, the kids the songs that they enjoy from our live shows as well as some new stuff which is kind of like a breathe of fresh air because we had been playing that set for the last couple years.
Gator: Yeah, we needed new stuff but we figured we'd record all the old stuff since it's what everyone knows and then we'd through a couple new ones in and then the next album will be all new.
Robert: I think it's definitely noticeable what's old and what's new. the newer stuff's more of a harder, faster... punky, speed thrash death metal, whatever you wanna call it. Smooth jazz skate punk...
G&C: Cool jazz?
Robert: Yes, cool jazz. Isn't that a new rapper, Cool Jazz? Anyway... But, definitely the new stuff, I think the kids are gonna eat that stuff up because it's hard, it's fast, it's loud.
Gator: But as always, the lyrical content is about dead girls.
Robert: Well, of course. Is there any other kind of lyrical content?
G&C: I bet the girls love it.
Gator: Oh, yeah, we have a huge female fan base... not that they're huge females but...
Robert: Well, I don't know. But it's pretty amazing. At the shows, all these teenage girls, man, it's crazy. It's mind-boggling sometimes to see that.
Gator: Yeah, and we walk funny afterwards.
Jose: When we usually play "Dead Girls Don't Say No" we try to get all the gals to go in the mosh pit and it's crazy.
Gator: A lot of the girls know that certain songs are kind of dedicated to them and they take over the pit and don't let the guys in at all. And if a guy dares go in, watch out. It's insane.
Jose: What were we talking about?
Gator: Dead girls and our songs.
Robert: I hope that the success of this album leads to bigger and better things. We wanna go on tour, which we probably will next year, we're thinking spring when the weather gets nicer.
G&C: Where will you be touring?
Gator: Anywhere we can. We want to go across the country if we can.
Robert: Yeah, a US tour would be great.
G&C: Robert, tell us about your side project called Veil Of Rain.
Robert: It's something that my beautiful fiancé Carolyn Ann and myself are working on along with a very close friend Raul. We're recording that album right now, it's being mixed and mastered. It should be out in the next few months.
G&C: I've had a chance to hear one of your songs. Your fiancé has an amazing voice.
Robert: Yeah, she's a trained soprano and she does a lot of work with classical recording studio sessions. She's also a teacher at a performing arts school.
Gator: I was gonna sing for them but, you know, I decided not to.
G&C: Robert doesn't want to marry you.
Robert: No, the ring wouldn't fit.
Gator: Depends on where you put it.
Robert: That's true.
Gator: Wait, I'm talking bad about myself.
Robert: By the way, us big, mean rock stars are sitting here, sipping on tea.
Gator: Earl Grey.
G&C: Yeah, I tried to bust out the hard liquor but they're having none of that.
Robert: You know, when there's mango caffeine-free tea in the house, I can't resist.
But yeah, Veil Of Rain, look for us on Myspace at myspace.com/veilofrain. I think it's got some old material on there right now.
Gator: That remix with too much reverb?
Robert: Yes. But enough about that, shucks.
Gator: Jose is sleeping right now.
Jose: I'm just thinking. The gears are turning.
Gator: Jose sleeps a lot for some reason. What were we talking about?
G&C: Actually, why don't you mention your studio. You recorded your album at your own studio, right?
Gator: Yes, we recorded our album at my studio, which is called Funeral Home Studios, and it's decorated really spooky and cool inside. So far, everybody that's come over to it loved it. I have candles burning when they record.
Jose: It's also a mortuary, so if you have loved ones who have died...
Gator: Yeah, I run multiple businesses there.
Robert: He just puts on a different hat.
Gator: Actually, I don't wear hats. It would mess up my hair. I've got a hearse too to haul them away.
