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Vomiting with Lucifer Valentine
Interview by Necro Magickal
Within the cinematic genre of horror, we have become accustomed to the splattering of blood and the evisceration of the human body. Blood and guts have become cliché in the modern horror film. We have become immune and desensitized to the fright and disgust that the horror film is intended to evoke. Vomit, on the other hand, is a fresh subject in cinema.
The insatiable deviance of the contemporary horror fan demands more from the arsenal of slaughter. As more horror films are released, we witness every manner of innovative torture and death scenario, in one form or another, ad nauseam.
Nausea is where the horror genre meets one Lucifer Valentine, the regurgitating progenitor of “vomit horror.” Valentine, the Satanic master of Roman Showers and lubing emetophilia, has invoked utter repulsion within the stomach of horror fans with his fringe classic “Slaughtered Vomit Dolls.” The film is part of a bile-infested trilogy in which the degree of blood and guts is outweighed by the amount of vomit spilled by multi-talented regurgitators. Yes, the films of Lucifer Valentine are cinematic “horror” and are a surreal journey into madness, blood, death, and vomit.
Valentine has agreed to take time away from his carnal disemboguing orgies with infernal naked harlots to talk with us about his second film ReGOREgitated Sacrifice
Read the completely nauseating interview with insane photos in the vomitorium. Order now at: www.girlsandcorpsesstore.com
BYOB: Bring your own bucket.