Lead Shitter of the Band
Interview by Corpsy Coprophagia
G&C: Finally, we got our asses off the pot and are interviewing the amazing toilet hounds Pottymouth, led by the turd inspiring front man, and shitacular singer, Dread Spaghetti. Welcome, Dread, to our outhouse. I seriously love your shit. I have enjoyed your music ever since I was toilet trained. First, I must ask why the toilet themed title of the band? Are you a scatologist, or are you just looking for the corn at the end of the rainbow? And why do we need Pottymouth in our shitty lives?
DS: Well, thanks for loving our shit. Loyal turd watchers, such as yourself, understand the relevance and brilliance of Pottymouth! I've tried to encapsulate the word Pottymouth to give the listener an idea as to what it is we're about. Crude, vulgar, nasty, and dirty; kind of like a urinal in any bar bathroom, if you've ever been on tour. It's very dry, adult humor or as we refer to it, "Toilet Music for Toilet People." It's not for light hearted people who can’t take a joke. It's definitely not for any church-going families or children, though young adolescent boys absolutely worship this band. We speak for the 14 year-old still trapped within us just wanting to fight, fuck, rebel, get high and party in life.
To read the complete interview with Pottymouth, order this issue now here.