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website by Gone West
by "The Grin Creeper"

Pious Slinging at Girls and Corpses Magazine
Banned in Wisconsin! This Cheese Stinks
Oh the humanity! We've been censored!... by our printer?! Huh?

Unbelieveable, but true. Our printer Hi-Liter Graphics has declined to print Girls and Corpses Magazine. We were, frankly, stunned. "Why," we said, slack-jawed, adding,"There's no nudity, or even sexual situations in the magazine! By who's definition is this strong sexuality!"

But then... we found out. Hi-Liter Graphics based in Wisconsin (emphasis on sin) also does work for the "Church." Talk about the moldy cheddar calling the corpse black!

Here is a portion of the actual letter from Hi-Liter Graphics:

"... we cannot print any content that has a sexual nature. Upon review of the files ... there are apparently some pages that either have sexual content, or have a strong sexual implication. As a result we cannot produce this job..."

"Strong sexual implication.?" What the hell? Is even the mere "implication" of sex now being banned? Once again, there is no nudity, or "sexual situations" in Girls and Corpses Magazine! There's more sex references in Cosmo than Girls and Corpses! Yet our pious Church, who's responsible for molestations on massive levels, has a printer that thinks we go too far?!

"Sexual Position of the Month," " Multiple Orgasms," "Great Oral" are all topics ... in Seventeen Magazine! Take a look at any newsstand. Sex is on every cover of every legit magazine.

True we interviewed a girl who works in "Clown Porn." But turn on your TV and Tyra and Oprah and Jerry all are interviewing porn stars and more. Just today on Maury, "Most Shocking Sex Crazed Teens Ever."

There is more sex, gore and violence on the nightly news and CSI than has ever been in Girls and Corpses Magazine. Seems that Hi-Liter Graphic prurient thoughts go father than we do. This is not, nor has ever been a magazine about sex and necrophilia. We are a dark comedy magazine. All the girls are clothed (though admittedly some of our corpses are in the buff).

Can a printer censor you? Appears so. I guess the Church is paying Hi-Liter Graphics more than we are. The Church is home of more perversion, lies and deceit than your neighborhood massage parlor. As I write this, a Portland Church is being sued by thirty molestation victims and has gone bankrupt rather than face their accusers.


Read this:

(AP) The Portland Archdiocese filed for bankruptcy Tuesday because of the steep costs from clergy sex abuse lawsuits, an unprecedented step that could open the Roman Catholic archdiocese to new levels of court scrutiny.

No other American diocese has filed for bankruptcy, though Boston threatened to do so at the height of the abuse crisis that began there two years ago. The Diocese of Tucson, Ariz., has said it will decide whether to seek court protection before an abuse trial there in September.

Portland's Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing halted the trial of a lawsuit against the late Rev. Maurice Grammond, who was accused of molesting more than 50 boys in the 1980s.


Once again, the Bible Belt has been caught with their pants down... and it ain't pretty.

Meanwhile, Walmart banned Maxim, Stuff and FHM because of pressure from "Christian Groups." If these "Christian" groups want to clean up the world then I suggest they check under their mattress.

So, please write your Congressman or Clergyman, the good ones who aren't banging little boys or hiring prostitutes, and tell them that Girls and Corpses Magazine is not porn! A blind pedophile preacher could tell you that.

I think the true porn is coming from people like Hi-Liter Graphics who print the Church's writings and help to spread the gospel of an instituation that has much to answer for and is way past sexual "implication." It's time for Hi-Lighter Graphics printing to wag the pious finger at themselves.

By the way, to be banned is to keep pretty good company: Edgar Allen Poe, Mark Twain, Abbie Hofman, Ernest Hemingway, DF Lewis, F. Scott Fitzgerald, George Orwell, Henry Miller, J.D. Salinger, William S. Burroughs, Ray Bradbury, John Steinbeck and now R.S. Rhine and Girls and Corpses Magazine.

Now, I have nothing against Cheeseheads in general, and I know there are many G&C fans in Wisconsin that think this is BS too. Besides, WI is home to an interior designer by the name of Ed Gein and a chef by the name of Jeffery Dahmer

Anyhow, we found another printer – one that doesn't have it's head up the Church's pious ass.



Here are some of your responses:

"That was the greatest fuck'n rip on organized religion I've ever read, keep it going!"

"OH MAN, this is the same thing that happened to "Not Fit For Print!" I told you! Bible Belt Printing Presses (I guess the belt stretches a little) But damn it this shit is pissing me off!! Such bullshit. Happy you found a printer. Can't wait to see it!" - Yours in depravity, Phil (National Lampoon)

"Spanked by the Bible Belt once again,spank me daddy,I mean FATHER."

"Wow...boycott everything they print, or at least let the other clients they have know what has happened. want to see a truly horrifing movie, check out "Jesus Camp" . jesus would be ashamed. the church may be full of idiots, but they are organized and motivated. radical christianity+radical islam=corpses. love your work. "

"Man, that's fucked up. Fuck Hi-Liter,Wisconsin and the "holy" church. All hail Girls and Corpses!!!!"

"I feel for you. The hypocrisy in this country and in Wal-Mart and the "Church" knows no bounds. Wal-Mart banned Maxim, Stuff and FHM but will still sell the magazines you mentioned PLUS King (an African-American Maxim wannabe), Biker and recently I saw Sports Illustrated swimsuit calenders for sale. Here in Missouri, they have also began selling KY Massage oils and KY brand flavored lubes. Their employees must have insisted they sell it at a low discount price so the fucking they take on wages would go in easier. - Your friend and loyal reader."

"You guys, and girls, and corpses ROCK!!! Fuck the "Church" in their righteous hippocritical ass! You know, they (Christian Right Wing Nazis) are the biggest evangelical religion who for centuries has forced their beliefs on others...what happened to "Freedom of Speech?" "Freedom of Religion?"

"Have a little respect for the dead. Don't you realize that God's only forgotten, I mean begotten son,J esus Christ, was the first Zombie, and in the eyes of the holy the only zombie. To hell with Christianity."

"wow thats fucking stupid!...even more of a reason to hate this shitty ass state!....at least you found a new printer!"

"It is a shame that you ran into this, but there are plenty of printers that would love to print your magazine. Just go to the smaller shops, they will treat you better and probably give you a better price than the company that wouldn't do it. As I keep telling people. Watch the movie Demolition Man and pay special attention to the society protrayed in that movie. Its becoming more and more a reality every day."

"What, huh? When did all this happen? I go to sleep for one hour and we get banned in Wisconsin!! Where will be banned next? Maybe if some of the site friends can guess where we will be banned next, they can get a free Girls and Corpses Calendar?"

"That's fucking stupid, sorry that you can't get your magazine out in Wisconsin. I can't wait to get my copy of the first issue!!! I'll show it to everyone I know just for those fuckers in Wisconsin!"

"What is some peoples problem.I dont get girls and corpses magazine, I cant even find it in stores.Start a petition to get it published."

"Well, that's a big bag of gay isn't it?...what's gonna happen next ?

We take over Wisconsin by force. - Corpsy

"As much as I agree with everything you say here, yes they do have a right to decline any job they don't want to do, but then I would say good to find out early, much better then to have given them a coffin load of money to later find out that you have helped fund child molesters! Every bright cloud has a dismal liner and all that rot. If I were doing busyness with a co. only to find out they were an evil church group I would take my business elsewhere anyway."

"What ass holes, too true. Bravo and Encore! PS: Loved you guys at Haunt X!"

"Kudos to you! They didn't deserve to get your money anyways."

"I totally agree. being from WI, I think it is BS that they wouldn't print."

"Dont be upset. i am dispatching my army of evil horny zombies to kill them all! HAHAHAHa!"

"That is complete and utter bullshit i gotta say....leave it to the church to fuck it all up."

"So I do think it's crazy, but I can hardly wait to get my copy how long do you think it's gonna be?"

"Is even the mere "implication" of sex now being banned? <----sighhhhh...amazingly, and sadly~ the answer has been "yes" in my own line of work. You are right; there are other publications far more explicit than G& C Mag. The good news: there's other printers who will be honored and damn happy to print your mag. As always, it's the starched shirts' loss in these censorship situations."

"Sum printers blow and sum also suck!

"What a crock of shit!!!! but, hey! not all cheeseheads are ignorant self-righteous assholes! I think you guys rock! Also, i used to work at Conley Publishing in Beaver Dam, WI. I don't know what format you print or what your specs are, but they may be worth checking out in an attempt to redeem the culturally challenged state Wisconsin. Anyway, that sucks man! I know this won't you hold you back though. Stay sick!"

"This is bullshit!!! Fuck those damned Christian fucks who think that they know what's better for society... These assholes think they own our minds and what we put in it!!! I think that organized religion id the scorn of the earth!!! If I want to read about dead assholes and hotties I should have the right.. Besides, I find the notion amusing.... Fuck Wal-mart and Jerry Falwell!! I hope that they all burn in a fiery Hell.....(if there was one)."

"That's why I HATE religion!! There is no bigger club of pervers than organized religion. How come when a priest or pastor is caught getting a blow job from a nine year old it does not reflect on the church as a whole, but a printer doing ONE job that they find immoral reflects bad on the whole company? Bunch of fucking hypocrites!!! Did they convince the printer to drop your work using the bible? NO!!! They use the power of money! THE REAL POWER in this world. Isn't money the root of all evil? I hate those TV preachers that talk about how good is to be humble and how it doesn't matter if you live in misery, pain and poverty because things will be better in the other "Life" and then they ask you for your money, (After making you feel guilty) and leave the studio in a limo to their mansion home. That's why I laugh everytime one falls! Don't worry guys, remember what happen to Larry Flint, you guys are going to make it big no matter what. They think that by doing this they have acomplish some big mission, they are dilusional!"

"You must be doing something right. Keep it up!"

"They are using sex to sell all types of magazines- I hope you didn't have to see the new issue of National Pet Lover's magazine- the cover is pretty graphic- who knew what Ann Coulter could do with her tongue. Maybe you could put out a special issue of G and C just for priests? You could have a threeway with Jesus's corpse, Lazarus's corpse and Mother Theresa, or an article by Jesus on How to Pick Up Women By Turning WIne Into Water (and by Turning grains of sand into Roofies to spike the drink with). maybe change the name to "Bibles and Abstinence" and have a pictoral re-enacting the birth of Jesus using porn clowns."

©2007 (reprinted only with permission of author)
